Christmas Day
We did not have plans, but we ended up going home at around 8pm already (we left the house at 9am!).
We saw Praybeyt Benjamin- we were laughing the whole time.
Ate Jenalyn |
Miguel and Maxene at Dave's Fun House
Lunch at Swiss Deli with Tita Gheng. Ok, I love this restaurant! Not only that they have good food but it is value for money as well! They have huge servings! We will definitely come back!
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Spicy Pork Ribs, Chocolate Fundue |
Then at Star City- it was full of people but the kids enjoyed nonetheless.
It was randon, unplanned, but it was so much fun!
Merry Christmas!
family activity,
star city,
swiss deli
Christmas Dinner
Thank you Lord for the provision. And thank you most of all for the reason why we celebrate Christmas- the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus.
Thank you Jesus for the gift of life and salvation. Thank you for the righteousness we don't deserve and yet you have freely given because You love us. Thank you for the grace and mercy and the unending compassion.
We love you Lord and we pray each day for your forgiveness and guidance.
Thank you for the new life.
Christmas Chaos - Gifts
One of the many reason I love the holiday season is because my main love language is... GIFT! Well, not necessarily because I'd be receiving, but because I have the excuse to shop and to give, because you tend to speak your love language to others. Even when we went through hard times financially over the last two years, I made it a point to have something to give to family and friends by shopping months ahead, one at a time, until I have everyone covered. That is how important for me to have something to give during Christmas.
But this year, I became so busy with my bookkeeping clients that I did not found the time to plan ahead. By this time, everything should have been wrapped and placed in the tree but I found myself needing help to wrap all the presents. But thank you Eco Bags! I saved time! :-D
These gifts still need wrapping, ran out of bags!!
I've made a mental note to go back to shopping and wrapping gifts early for the next Christmas. But thank you Lord for providing me the means to be able to give gifts again this season.
But this year, I became so busy with my bookkeeping clients that I did not found the time to plan ahead. By this time, everything should have been wrapped and placed in the tree but I found myself needing help to wrap all the presents. But thank you Eco Bags! I saved time! :-D
These gifts still need wrapping, ran out of bags!!
I've made a mental note to go back to shopping and wrapping gifts early for the next Christmas. But thank you Lord for providing me the means to be able to give gifts again this season.
Her First Bike
OLPMC Foundation Day
If there's one thing I really love about me being a WAHM (Work at Home Mom) is being able to attend to all my children's school activities without having to fill up a leave form and keeping my fingers crossed that my boss will sign the form.
A week ago, Maxene had their Goodies Day wherein they sold cereals, tacos and the like. It was fun to see those cute nursery kids prepare a treat for you. While Miguel on the other hand just enjoyed the game booths, and the freedom to spend the 200 pesos we gave him to anything he wants in the school bazaar.
Here are some pictures-
The little chef |
Aren't they cute? |
We caught him counting his money |
With classmates |
Miguel buying a bowl of cereal from Maxene
Daddy was her first customer |
All smile! |
Remember The Day
When everything is taken from you, when your false security is snatch out of your hands, when you got nothing to hold on to in this world, you fall down on your knees and turn to God.
3 years ago, I have learned what it's like not to be able to control things that were happening around me. I never knew then that God was already working the path in my life that only leads to Him. Through the process, I was beaten down, but stubborn as I was, I fought control over my life and my direction. But the more I struggled, the more I lost control and along the way became depressed. I was proud and has always believed that no one can dictate your destiny but yourself. But God showed me the hard way that it is Him who is in control. and more importantly, He taught me that it is only in Him I can find the real purpose, the real joy, the real peace and security in life.
It took a lot of pushing and nudging from God for me to be able to walk through the path that leads to Him. And when I got there, when He humbled me to my knees, my life changed a full turn. I was no longer my old self, but God gave me a new one. Full of hope and joy, full of peace and love- because of His grace, mercy and love for me.
And today, I want to remember. I want to remind myself that the new me should live according to God's will and purpose. I want to remind myself that it is only in God's presence where I find the true riches and wealth. Because it is true what they say that when God starts blessing you financially, you tend to forget where your true security, peace and joy resides. The things of this world has an effective way of luring you out of God's presence.
God has blessed me amazingly with a good work and He has done the same with Vergil. I can only smile when I remember how we tirelessly struggle before for this, but when we surrendered to God and let Him take control, He as if handed this to us in a silver platter, in His good time.
God enabled me to work at home and earn a good income that is more than what I can be earning in the corporate world. But lately, it has been taking me away from what my life's purpose should be. And I pray to God that He help me go back to the right direction. I am reminded of Pastor Dennis' message two Sundays ago about Genesis chapter 34-35, when Jacob disobeyed God when He went to Shechem instead of Bethel where God instructed Him to go. Jacob suffered the consequence of His disobedience, but God in His love, grace and mercy, directed Jacob once again to the direction He wants him to take and protected him along the way. I can relate to Jacob, because there are times when I disobey God's instructions; but his story should be a lesson for me. It took 10 years, worry, grief, fear and heartache for Jacob before He finally took God's instruction to heart. I don't want it to be the same for me.
It is my prayer that God forgive me for going astray and that He opens my heart to see where should I be heading.
Today, and everyday, I will remember the day God has taken me into His kingdom and adopted me to be His child. Today and everyday, I will remember what Jesus did to save me and to make me worthy to stand in God's presence. Today and everyday, I will remind myself that it is not the things of this world that gives me peace, joy and love and eternal life. It is only Jesus. And it is but right to live my life for Him, for His glory and for His will and purpose alone.
Psalm 37:23
The Lord directs the steps of the godly
He delights in every detail of their lives.
Though they stumble, the will never fail,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.
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