We had a great time yesterday night. Our business appointments got cancelled so we decided to take Miggy to the kiddy salon for his long due haircut. It was only me, hubby and the big boy. And we had so much fun!

The H1N1 flu virus is definitely here! Number of confirmed cases is climbing up. But I wonder if we are taking it seriously? Well, I feel better now that we got our flu vaccine shots and we doubled our intake of vitamin c supplement. Nothing beats being alert and prepared, right?
Watched the 5 second trailer teaser of New Moon at Ryan Seacrest's site. Heard they are going to play the full trailer at he MTV Movie Awards. Can't wait! Click here for the video teaser.
Was definitely burnt out at work. It's not really for the work over load but for the routine! I am so bored!! Nothing, really, makes me so annoyed than getting onto a predictable day! I am definitely going to pursue what I want soon... I am thinking of getting into an Interior Design school, or take some photography lessons and get myself a professional cam. Or maybe enroll in multimedia arts?
Hubby's birthday is coming. And I have not yet decided on what to give him. He was actually checking on some PC games yesterday but he hadn't bought an external drive for the laptop yet so I am not also going to give him any games to dowload. His DOTA game is eating the lappy's memory space already (aside from the pics). I'm pretty sure hubby is checking this blog once in a while, so I'm definitely not going to announce anything about his gift. :-)
Read somewhere that the Hayden -Ruffa Mae video is already uploaded? How true is this? Shocking! If this is true, I am sure Mo Twister is having his last laugh. I can remember how furious Ruffa Mae of what Mo did when he interviewed Vicki Belo. But I hope it's not true though... or else.. I'm not sure what "senator" will do to Hayden. LOL
Will post some thoughts again ASAP.
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