
Back Again?

Opppss... guilty as charged.

I've been very busy that for a long time, I was not able to update my blog. So many things happened already that I'll try to make a summary update of some important things that happened that will come to my mind. :-) Never mind the time frame of what came first or last.

1. Miguel started nursery already at Woodridge College and I am not sure if he's enjoying it???!!! Detailed update on that.

2. As of today, I am 5 months pregnant and it's a baby girl!! Wohooohooo!!

3. We had an amazing but bitin and me additional stress trip to Pattaya, Thailand last July 1-5. We are looking forward to our future trips especially the Hongkong Disneyland trip for Miggy. Pictures are posted already in my facebook account. Click here.

4. I am officially unemployed and enjoying every bit of it. Busy with our business but will be making some plans soon (e.g. enrolling in multimedia arts class). Need to earn for my DSLR first.

Will be updating you more...

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