
7 Years and Counting

Today we mark our 7 years of marriage.  And I can now finally say that we are slowly taking the direction of our marriage in the right path.

The first 5 years were trial and error and admittedly we were not in the right track.  We assumed roles that were not designed for us and never really sought God's counsel.  We may have been married in church but never really understood God's will when it comes to our roles as husband and wife.

The 6th year, our marriage got tested by so many problems and trials in the family.  And we found ourselves seeking God and humbling ourselves to Him.  And we started to walk in the right path no matter how hard it is for us.

On our 7th year, I can see better days ahead of our marriage.  It will still mean unending challenges and problems but God will never fail to strengthen us together.  Now matter what, we will stick together and go through it all.

I am still a work in progress as to my role as a wife to Vergil.  So much I had to improve and change.  But I am grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful husband.  Faithful, understanding and patient with my slow progress into becoming a Godly wife.  I pray to God that He strengthen and empower me to become one He can be pleased of-  a Godly and submissive wife.

Our marriage is still far from ideal, but with God's hand on it, we are can assured that we will stay together forever.

To Vergil-  I may not say it so often, but I love you and I will always do.  Thank you for being so patient with me.  Please know that I really admire you for what you are doing for our family.  For making me feel secure and loved.  Here's to forever!  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, love!